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Staying at Home

Home. It’s where you are comfortable and can live most independently. We can provide or connect you to services to help you live where you want to, how you want you.

Aroostook Regional Transportation (ARTS)

Access to transportation is essential, especially in rural areas. ARTS help people throughout Aroostook get to appointments, shop, and stay active in their community. Contact ARTS at 1-800-442-3320 or visit for more information.

Mom and Daughter Smiling Together

Care Partner Education and Support

Taking care of a family member who can no longer care for themselves is a role many people hold. To provide the best care for those we love, support is needed to be an effective care partner. Care Partner Education and Support is here to help.

Home Care.png

Home Care Personal Support

As we age, we want to live independently in our own home. At some point, we may need help to do this. Home Care Services provides an extra set of hands to help older persons or those with disabilities with daily activities.

Senior Men Playing Chess

Friendly Volunteer Program

Connecting with people each day is a normal part of life. When family or friends are not available, having another caring person, who is also a trained volunteer, help take part in an activity or bring a smile from a shared story can be a day changer.

Holding Hands

MaineCare Toolkit

Applying for community MaineCare, or MaineCare in-home services, is a way to get assistance in payment for nursing home care or in-home services. The toolkit provides help (either by phone, a link to a webinar, or an in-person visit) for you to complete and submit an accurate application to the state.


Money Minders

Managing your money is a key aspect of being independent. The Money Minders program is a free bill-paying service where trained volunteers can help you with setting up a budget, paying bills, and managing a checkbook.

Nutrition Services

Soup Kitchen

Community Dining

Dining centers operate in several communities in Aroostook County. Lunchtime meals are available for any person age 60 or older who wants to enjoy food, friends, and occasional recreational and educational programs.

Pasta Meal

Nutrition Services: Easy Meals

Our delicious and nutritious frozen meals are carefully handcrafted right here in Maine by Birch Stream Farms. Meals can be picked up to take home, heat up in the stove or microwave, and enjoyed.

Food Delivery

Meals on Wheels

Getting food and good nutrition is something we all need to remain healthy and happy, no matter our income or support network.

Home-bound older people throughout northern Maine who are unable to attend dining centers and have difficulty preparing their own meals may be eligible for home-delivered entrées through the Meals on Wheels service.

Volunteers Packing Food

USDA Senior Food Box Program

Each month, the USDA Commodity Supplemental Food Program provides residents age 60 and older with 30 pounds of commodity food items such as dry pasta, canned meats and vegetables, and cheese. Locally the important service is provided by staff and volunteers with Catholic Charities of Maine.

Couple Sitting with Financial Advisor

Planning for the Future

When we plan for the future, we make it more likely to be able to continue making our own decisions or for others to know our wishes. The Agency has trained staff that can sit with you to understand your needs and put a plan on paper for your future.

Excited Over Modern Technology

Technology Assistance Program

Loneliness is real, but we now have technology that can help. The agency iPad tablet lending program is designed to enhance existing services for those of us who would benefit from online services and programs while remaining at home.

Image by Centre for Ageing Better

Adult Day Services

Adult Day Respite Service focuses on creating a safe place for those with chronic memory loss or health conditions to enjoy the day and interact with others. While participants are at the program, care partners can take a much-needed break or handle personal business.

Nondiscrimination Statement

The Aroostook Agency on Aging complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of physical or mental disability, race, color, creed, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, ancestry, or national origin in admission to, access to, or operation of its services, programs, or activities.

Federal Grant Funding Disclosure

This Agency is supported in part by the Administration for Community Living (ACL) of the United States (U.S.) Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). As program funding amounts change frequently, please contact the Agency by email at or call 1-800-439-1789 for more information on the percentage of funding received through federal and other sources. The contents of this website are those of the Agency and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit the ACL website,

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© 2023 by Aroostook Agency on Aging

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